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Publications |
2007 Refereed original research articles Stukenborg JB, Wistuba J, Luetjens CM, Abu Elhija M, Huleihel M, Lunenfeld E, Gromoll J, Nieschlag E, Schlatt S. Co-culture of spermatogonia with somatic cells in a novel three-dimensional Soft-Agar-Culture-System. Jahnukainen K, Ehmcke J, Nurmio M, Schlatt S. Irradiation causes acute and long term spermatogonial depletion in cultured and xenotransplanted testicular tissue from juvenile non-human primates. Endocrinology 148: 5541-5548 (2007) PDF Hild SA, Marshall GR, Attardi BJ, Hess RA, Schlatt S, Simorangkir DR, Ramaswamy S, Koduri S, Reel JR, Plant TM. Development of l-CDB-4022 as a nonsteroidal male oral contraceptive: Induction and recovery from severe oligospermia in the adult male cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis). Endocrinology 148: 1784-1796 (2007) PubMed Meachem SJ, Schlatt S, Ruwanpura SM, Stanton PG. The effect of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and oestradiol on the re-initiation of spermatogenesis in the adult photoinhibited Djungarian hamster. Journal of Endocrinology 192: 553-561 (2007) PupMed Ehmcke J, Joshi B, Hergenrother SD, Schlatt S. Aging does not affect spermatogenic recovery after experimentally-induced injury in mice. Reproduction 133:75-83 (2007) PDF Refereed Reviews, Invited Papers, and Book Chapters Gassei K, Schlatt S. Testicular morphogenesis. Comparison of in vivo and in vitro models to study male gonadal development. Ann NY Acad Sci 1120:152-167 (2007) PDF Ehmcke J, Schlatt S. Identification and characterization of spermatogonial subtypes and their expansion in whole mounts and tissue sections from primate testes. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 450, “Germline stem cells”, eds. Hou SX, Singh SR. Chapter 7, pp. 109-118, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ (2007) Paris MCJ, Schlatt S. Ovarian and testicular tissue xenografting: it’s potential for germline preservation of Companion Animals, Non-Domestic and Endangered Species. Reprod Fertil Develop 19: 771-782 (2007) PupMed
2006 Refereed original research articles Jahnukainen K, Ehmcke J, Hergenrother SD, Schlatt S. Effect of cold storage and cryopreservation of immature non-human primate testicular tissue on spermatogonial stem cell potential in xenografts. Human Reproduction 22: 1060-1067 (2006) PupMed Gassei K, Schlatt S, Ehmcke J. De novo morphogenesis of seminiferous tubules from dissociated immature rat testicular cells in xenografts. Journal of Andrology 27:611-618, 2006) PubMed Jahnukainen K, Ehmcke J, Schlatt S. Testicular xenografts: a novel approach to study cytotoxic damage in juvenile primate testis. Cancer Res. 2006 Apr 1;66(7):3813-8. PubMed Refereed Reviews, Invited Papers, and Book Chapters Gassei K, Schlatt S. Fertilitätskonservierende Maßnahmen bei Männern – Perspektiven neuer Techniken. Gynäkologische Endokrinologie 4: 215-222 (2006) Ehmcke J, Schlatt S. A revised model for spermatogonial expansion in man: lessons from non-human primates. Reproduction 132: 673-680 (2006) PDF Ehmcke J, Schlatt S. The kinetics of spermatogonial stem cell expansion in non-human primates. Reproduction, in Press. Jahnukainen K, Ehmcke J, Soder O, Schlatt S. Clinical potential and putative risks of fertility preservation in children utilizing gonadal tissue or germ line stem cells. Pediatr Res. 2006 Apr;59(4 Pt 2):40R-7R. Review. PubMed Ehmcke J, Wistuba J, Schlatt S. Spermatogonial stem cells: Questions, models and perspectives.Hum Reprod Update, 2006, 12(3):275-83 PDF Jens Ehmcke, Karin Hübner, Hans R. Schöler, Stefan Schlatt. Spermatogonia: origin, physiology and prospects for conservation and manipulation of the male germ line. Reprod Fertil Dev, 2006, 18, 7-12 PDF
2005 Refereed original research articles Wistuba J, Luetjens CM, Wesselmann R, Nieschlag E, Simoni M, Schlatt S. Meiosis in autologous ectopic transplants of immature testicular tissue grafted to Callithrix jacchus. Biol Reprod. 2006 Apr;74(4):706-13. Epub 2005 Dec 21 PubMed Rathi R, Honaramooz A, Zeng W, Schlatt S, Dobrinski I. Germ cell fate and seminiferous tubule development in bovine testis xenografts. Reproduction 2005 Dec;130(6):923-9. PubMed Schlatt S, Honaramooz A, Ehmcke J, Goebell, PJ, Rübben H, Dhir R, Dobrinski I, Patrizio P. Limited survival of adult human testicular tissue as ectopic xenograft. Hum Reprod. 2006 Feb;21(2):384-9. Epub 2005 PubMed Simorangkir DR, Marshall GR, Ehmcke J, Schlatt S, Plant TM. Pre-Pubertal Expansion of Dark and Pale Type A Spermatogonia in the Rhesus Monkey (Macaca mulatta) Results from Proliferation During Infantile and Juvenile Development in a Relatively Gonadotropin Independent Manner. Biol Reprod (Epub, Aug 3, 2005) PDF Buageaw A, Sukhwani M, Ben-Yehudah, A, Ehmcke J, Rawe V, Pholpramol C, Orwig KE, Schlatt S. GDNF Family Receptor alpa1 Phenotype of Spermatogonial Stem Cells in Immature Mouse Testes. Biol Reprod 73:1011-1016 (2005) PDF Wistuba J, Luetjens CM, Kamischke A, Gu YQ, Schlatt S, Simoni M, Nieschlag E. Pharmacokinetics and pharmakodynamics of injectable testosterone undecanoate in castrated cynomolgous monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) are independent of the vehicle. J Med Primatol 34: 178-184 (2005) PDF Elhija MA, Potashnik H, Lunenfeld E, Potashnik G, Schlatt S, Nieschlag E, Huleihel M. Testicular IL-6 response to systemic inflammation. J Eur Cytok Net 16(2):167-172 (2005) PubMed Potashnik H, Elhija MA, Lunenfeld E, Potashnik G, Schlatt S, Nieschlag E, Huleihel M. IL-6 expression during normal maturation of the mouse testis. J Eur Cytok Net 16(2):161-165 (2005) PubMed Meachem SJ, Stanton PG, Schlatt S. Follicle stimulating hormone regulates both Sertoli cell and spermatogonial populations in the adult photoinhibited Djungarian hamster testis. Biol Reprod 72: 1187-1193 (2005) PDF Ehmcke J, Simorangkir D, Schlatt S. Identification of the starting point for spermatogenesis and characterization of the testicular stem cell in adult male rhesus monkeys. Hum Reprod 20: 1185-1193 (2005) PDF Ehmcke J, Luetjens CM, Schlatt S. Clonal organization of proliferating spermatogonial stem cells in adult males of two species of non-human primates, Macaca mulatta and Callithrix jacchus. Biol Reprod 72: 293-300 (2005) PDF Refereed Reviews, Invited Papers, and Book Chapters Orwig KE, Schlatt S. Cryopreservation and transplantation of spermatogonia and testicular tissue for preservation of male fertility. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr. (34):51-56 (2005) Gassei K, Ehmcke J, Schlatt S. Fertilization, embryonic development and ICSI. Serono Symposia, Frontiers in Reproductive Endocrinology. Workbook pp 211-220 (2005) Schlatt S. Testicular tissue grafting. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris) 34: 1S55-57 (2005) PubMed
2004 Refereed original research articles Wistuba J, Mundry M, Luetjens CM, Schlatt S. Co-grafting of hamster (Phodopus sungorus) and marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) testicular tissues into nude mice does not overcome blockade of early spermatogenic differentiation in primate grafts. Biol Reprod 71:2087-2091(2004) von Schönfeldt V, Wistuba J, Schlatt S. Notch-1, c-kit and GFRα-1 are developmentally regulated markers of premeiotic germ cells. Cytogenet Genom Res 105: 235-30 (2004) PubMed Refereed Reviews, Invited Papers, and Book Chapters Ehmcke J, Schlatt S. Stem cells: prospects for a future therapy of male infertility. In: Updates in Infertility Treatment, Ed. Filicori M., Medimond, Bologny, Italy (2004) pp. 381-392
2003 Refereed original research articles Nordhoff V, Gromoll J, Foppiani L, Luetjens CM, Schlatt S, Kostova E, Huhtaniemi I, Nieschlag E, Simoni M. Targeted expression of human FSH receptor Asp567Gly mutant mRNA in testis of transgenic mice: role of human FSH receptor promoter. Asian J Androl 5: 267-75 (2003) Wistuba J, Brinkworth MH, Schlatt S, Chahoud I, Nieschlag E. Intrauterine bisphenol A exposure leads to stimulatory effects on Sertoli cell numbers in rats. Environm Res 91: 95-103 (2003) Kuhlmann M, Clemen G, Schlatt S. Moulting in the Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus Pallas): a seasonal or a continuous process? J Exp Zool 295A: 160-171 (2003) Joerg H, Janett F, Schlatt S, Mueller S, Graphodatskaya D, Suwattana D, Asai M, Stranzinger G. Germ cell transplantation in an azoospermic Klinefelter bull. Biol Reprod 69: 1940-1944 (2003) Ehmcke J, Wistuba J, Clemen G, Schlatt S. Targeted expression of androgen receptors in tooth-forming tissues of a neotropical salamander (Bolitoglossa schizodactyla) enables region-specific formation of dimorphic types of teeth in the male. Gen Comp Endocrinol 134: 26-35 (2003) Weinbauer GF, Partsch CJ, Zitzmann M, Schlatt S, Nieschlag E. Pharmacokinetics and degree of aromatization rather than total dose of different preparations determine the effects of testosterone: A nonhuman primate study in Macaca fascicularis. J Androl 24: 765-774 (2003) Schlatt S, Honaramooz A, Boiani M, Schöler HR, Dobrinski I. Progeny from sperm obtained after ectopic grafting of neonatal mouse testes. Biol Reprod 68: 2331-2335 (2003) Refereed Reviews, Invited Papers, and Book Chapters Nordhoff V, Schlatt S. Present and future options for preservation of testis tissue and function. Endocr Dev 5: 136-155 (2003)
2002 Refereed original research articles Schlatt S, Kim S, Gosden R. Spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis in mouse, hamster and monkey testicular tissue after cryopreservation and grafting. Reproduction 124: 323-329 (2002) Honaramooz A, Snedaker A, Boiani M, Scholer H, Dobrinski I, Schlatt S. Sperm from neonatal mammalian testes grafted in mice. Nature 418: 778-781 (2002) Wistuba J, Schlatt S, Cantauw C, von Schönfeldt V, Nieschlag E, Behr R. Transplantation of wildtype spermatogonia leads to complete spermatogenesis in testes of cyclic 3`,5` adenosine-monopohsphate response element modulator (CREM) deficient mice. Biol Reprod 67:1052-1057 (2002) Gerdprasert O, O'Bryan MK, Muir JA, Caldwell AM, Schlatt S, de Kretser DM, Hedger MP. The response of testicular leukocytes to lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation: further evidence for heterogeneity of the testicular macrophage population. Cell Tiss Res 308: 277-285 (2002) Schlatt S, Foppiani L, Rolf C, Weinbauer GF, Nieschlag E. Germ cell transplantation into X-irradiated monkey testes. Hum Reprod 17: 55-62 (2002) Refereed Reviews, Invited Papers, and Book Chapters Wistuba J, Schlatt S. Transgenic mouse models and germ cell transplantation: Two excellent tools for the analysis of genes regulating male fertility. Mol Gen Metab 77: 61-67 (2002) Schlatt S. Spermatogonial stem cell preservation and transplantation. Mol Cell Endocrinol 187: 107-111 (2002) Schlatt S. Transplantation of male germ line stem cells: A technique for man? In: Biotechnology of Human Reproduction: From Research to Clinical Application. Eds. Revelli A, Tur-Kaspa I, Holte JG, Massobrio M., Parthenon Publishers, London, New York Schlatt S. Germ cell transplantation. Mol Cell Endocrinol 186: 163-167 (2002)
2001 Refereed original research articles Weinbauer GF, Schlatt S, Walter V, Nieschlag E. Testosterone-induced inhibition of spermatogenesis is more closely related to suppression of FSH than to testicular androgen levels in the cynomolgus monkey model (Macaca fascicularis). J Endocrinol 168: 25-38 (2001) Refereed Reviews, Invited Papers, and Book Chapters Schlatt S. Der verborgene Schatz des Mannes: Grundlagen und klinische Relevanz von testikulären Stammzellen. Forschungsjournal der Universität Münster, Nr. 2, 2001, pp 37-39 Schlatt S, Nieschlag E. Germ cell transplantation as a tool for fertility preservation of oncological patients. Klin Padiatr. 213: 250-254 (2001) Meachem S, von Schönfeldt V, Schlatt S. Spermatogonia: stem cells with a great perspective. Reproduction 121: 825-834 (2001) Schlatt S. Germ cell transplants in primates. In: Andrology in the 21st Century. Eds: Robaire H, Chemes H, Morales CR. Medimind Medical Publications, Englewood, NJ, USA, pp 77-86 (2001) Pilder S, Grootegoed A, Schlatt S, Dobrinski I. Transgenic Technology: In: Andrology in the 21st Century. Eds: Robaire H, Chemes H, Morales CR. Medimind Medical Publications, Englewood, NJ, USA, pp 67-76 (2001) Nieschlag E, Wagenfeld A, von Schönfeldt V, Schlatt S. Keimzellspende: Möglichkeiten und Entwicklungen. Symposium Fortpflanzungsmedizin in Deutschland, Veröffentlichungen des BMFT (2001)
2000 Refereed original research articles O'Bryan MK, Schlatt S, Gerdprasert O, Phillips DJ, de Kretser DM, Hedger MP. Inducible nitric oxide synthase in the rat testis: evidence for potential roles in both normal function and inflammation-mediated infertility. Biol Reprod. 63: 1285-1293 (2000) Meehan T, Schlatt S, O´Bryan MK, deKretser DM, Loveland KL. Regulation of germ cell and Sertoli cell development by activin, follistatin and FSH. Develop Biol 220: 225-237 (2000) O´Bryan MK, Schlatt S, Philipps DJ, deKretser DM, Hedger MP. Bacterial lipopolysaccaride-induced inflammation compromises testicular function at multiple levels in vivo. Endocrinology 141: 238-246 (2000) Refereed Reviews, Invited Papers, and Book Chapters Schlatt S, von Schönfeldt V, Schepers AG. Male germ cell transplantation: an experimental approach with a clinical perspective. Brit Med Bull 56: 824-836 (2000) Schlatt S, Schepers AG, von Schönfeldt V. Germ cell culture, genetic manipulation and transplantation. In : Testis, epididymis and technologies in the year 2000. Eds. B. Jegou, C. Pineau, J. Saez. Ernst Schering Research Foundation Proceedings, Supplement 6 (2000) Schlatt S, Schepers A, von Schönfeldt V, Nieschlag E. Gonadal transplantation: The primate model. In: Andrology 2000, eds. F. Francavilla, S. Francavilla, G. Forti. Litografia Brandolini, Chiety, Italy, pp 193-210 (2000)
1999 Refereed original research articles Gromoll J, Weinbauer GF, Skaletsky H, Schlatt S, Rocchietti-March M, Page DC, Nieschlag E. The old world monkey DAZ (Deleted in AZoospermia) gene yields insights into the evolution of the DAZ gene cluster on the human Y chromosome. Hum Mol Gen 8: 2017-2024 (1999) Schlatt S, Zhengwei Y, Meehan T, deKretser DM, Loveland KL. Application of morphometric techniques of postnatal rat testes in organ culture: Insights into testis growth. Cell Tiss Res 298: 335-343 (1999) Foppiani L, Schlatt S, Simoni M, Weinbauer GF, Hacker-Klom U, Nieschlag. Inhibin B is a more sensitive marker of spermatogenetic damage than FSH in the irradiated non-human primate model. J Endocrinol 162: 393-400 (1999) Schlatt S, deKretser DM, Hedger MP. Mitosis of resident macrophages in the adult rat testis. J Reprod Fertil 116: 223-228 (1999) Schönfeldt von V, Krishnamurty H, Foppiani L, Schlatt S. Magnetic cell sorting as a fast and efficient method of isolating viable spermatogonia from Djungarian hamster, mouse and marmoset monkey testes. Biol Reprod 61: 582-589 (1999) Schlatt S, Rosiepen G, Weinbauer GF, Rolf C, Brook PF, Nieschlag E. Germ cell transfer into rat, bovine, monkey and human testes. Human Reproduction 14: 144-150 (1999) Refereed Reviews, Invited Papers, and Book Chapters Schlatt S, Schönfeldt V, Nieschlag E. Germ cell transplantation in the male: Animal studies with a human perspective. Human Fertility 2: 143-148 (1999) Schlatt S. Problems and prospects for germ cell transplantation in the male. Int J Androl 22: 13-18 (1999)
1998 Refereed original research articles Zhengwei Y, Wreford NG, Schlatt S, Weinbauer GF, Nieschlag E, McLachlan RI. Acute and specific impairment of spermatogonial development by GnRH antagonist-induced gonadotropin withdrawal in the adult macaque. J Reprod Fertil 112: 139-147 (1998) Loveland K, Schlatt S, Sasaki T, Chu M-L, Timpl R, Dziadek M. Developmental changes in the basement membrane of the normal and hypothyroid postnatal rat testis: Segmental localization of fibulin-2 and fibronectin. Biol Reprod 58: 1123-1130 (1998)
1997 Refereed original research articles Munsie M, Schlatt S, deKretser DM, Loveland KL. Expression of stem cell factor in the postnatal rat testis. Mol Reprod Develop 47: 19-25 (1997) Refereed Reviews, Invited Papers, and Book Chapters Schlatt S, A Meinhardt, E Nieschlag: Paracrine regulation of cellular interactions in the testis: factors in search of a function. Eur J Endocrinol 137: 107-117 (1997) Loveland K, Schlatt S: Stem cell factor and c-kit in the mammalian testis: lessons originating from mother nature´s gene knockouts. J Endocrinol 153: 337-344 (1997)
1996 Refereed original research articles Schlatt S, Loveland K, deKretser DM. Discriminative analysis of Sertoli and peritubular cells and their proliferation in vitro: Evidence for FSH-mediated contact inhibition of Sertoli cell mitosis. Biol Reprod 55, 227-235 (1996)
1995 Refereed original research articles Dankbar B, MH Brinkworth, S Schlatt, GF Weinbauer, E Nieschlag, J Gromoll. Ubiquitous expression of the androgen receptor and testis-specific expression of the FSH receptor in the cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) revealed by a ribonuclease protection assay. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 55: 35-41 (1995) Schlatt S, de Geyter M, Kliesch S, Nieschlag E, Bergmann M: Spontaneous recrudescence of spermatogenesis in the photoinhibited male Djungarian hamster, Phodopus sungorus. Biol Reprod 53: 169-1177 (1995) Schlatt S, Arslan M, Weinbauer GF, Behre HM, Nieschlag E: Endocrine control of somatic cell and premeiotic germ cell development in the male rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). Eur J Endocrinol 133: 235-247 (1995) Brinkworth M, Weinbauer GF, Schlatt S, Nieschlag E. Identification of male germ cells undergoing apoptosis in male rats. J Reprod Fertil 105: 25-33 (1995)
1994 Refereed original research articles Schlatt S, Weinbauer GF. Immunohistochemical detection of proliferating cell nuclear antigen as a tool to study cell proliferation in rodent and primate testes. Int J Androl 17: 214-222 (1994) Rosiepen G, Weinbauer GF, Schlatt S, Behre HM, Nieschlag E. Duration of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium, estimated by the 5-bromodeoxyuridine technique, in laboratory and feral rats. J Reprod Fertil 100: 299-306 (1994)
1993 Refereed original research articles Vliegen M, Schlatt S, Weinbauer GF, Bergmann M, Groome NP, Nieschlag E. Localization of inhibin/activin subunits in the testis of adult non-human primates and men. Cell Tiss Res: 273: 261-268 (1993). Schlatt S, Niklowitz P, Hoffmann K, Nieschlag E. Influence of short photoperiods on reproductive organs and estrous cycles of normal and pinealectomized female Djungarian hamster, Phodopus sungorus. Biol Reprod 49: 243-250 (1993). Schlatt S, Weinbauer GF, Arslan M, Nieschlag E. Appearance of alpha-smooth muscle actin in peritubular cells of monkey testes is induced by androgens, modulated by follicle stimulating hormone and maintained after hormonal withdrawal. J Androl 14: 340-350 (1993) Lerchl A, Schlatt S. Influence of the photoperiod on pineal melatonin synthesis, fur colour, body weight and reproductive function in the female Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus). Neuroendocrinology 57: 359-367 (1993). Arslan M, Weinbauer GF, Schlatt S, Shahab M, Nieschlag E. FSH and testosterone, alone or in combination, initiate testicular growth and increase the number of spermatogonia and Sertoli cells in a juvenile non-human primate (Macaca mulatta). J Endocrinol 136: 235-243 (1993).
1992 Refereed original research articles Lerchl A, Schlatt S: Serotonin content and melatonin production in the pineal gland of the male Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus). J Pineal Res 12: 128-134 (1992). Niklowitz P, De Geyter M, Schlatt S, Hoffmann K, Nieschlag E. Pattern of pineal melatonin concentrations during prolonged exposure to short photoperiods in photosensitive and photoinsensitive Djungarian hamsters. J Pineal Res 12: 64-70 (1992).
1991 Refereed original research articles Schlatt S, Weinbauer GF, Nieschlag E. Inhibin-like and gonadotropin-like immunoreactivity in pituitary cells of male monkeys (Macaca fascicularis, Macaca mulatta). Cell Tiss Res 265: 203-209 (1991). |