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Zlatanova, J., William T. McAllister, W. T., Borukhov, S. and Leuba, S. H. Single-molecule approaches reveal the idiosyncrasies of RNA polymerases. Structure (accepted with minor revision). 2006.

Zheng, H., Tomschik, M., Zlatanova, J. and Leuba, S. H. Evanescent field fluorescence microscopy (EFFM) for analysis of protein/DNA interactions at the single-molecule level. In Protein-protein interactions, a molecular cloning manual, 2nd ed. (E. Golemis and P. Adams, Eds.) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press: Cold Spring Harbor (by invitation). 20: 1-16, 2005.

Bennink, M. L., Leuba, S. H. and Zlatanova, J. Analysis of protein/DNA interactions by optical tweezers: application to chromatin fibers. In Protein-protein interactions, a molecular cloning manual, 2nd ed. (E. Golemis and P. Adams, Eds.) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press: Cold Spring Harbor (by invitation). 19: 1-14, 2005.

Pomerantz, R.T., Ramjit, R., Gueroui, Z., Place, C., Anikin, M., Leuba, S., Zlatanova, J., and McAllister, W.T. A Tightly Regulated Molelcular Motor Based upon T7 RNA Polymerase. Nano Letters. 5: 1698-1703, 2005. PDF file

Tomschik, M., Zheng, H., van Holde, K., Zlatanova, J., and Leuba, S. Fast, long-range, reversible conformational fluctuations in nucleosomes revealed by single-pair fluorescence resonance energy transfer. PNAS. 102: 3278-3283,. 2005. PDF file

Leuba, S. H., Bennink, M. L., and Zlatanova, J. Single molecule analysis of chromatin. In Chromatin and Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes, Parts A and B. Methods Enzymol. (C. Wu and C. D. Allis, Eds.) 376: 73-105, 2004.

Zlatanova, J. and Leuba, S. H. Chromatin structure and dynamics: lessons from single molecule approaches. In Chromatin structure and dynamics: State of the Art. (Zlatanova, J. and Leuba, S. H., Eds.) Elsevier: Amsterdam. 39: 369-396, 2004.

Zlatanova, J. and Leuba, S. H. Magnetic tweezers: a sensitive tool to study DNA and chromatin at the single-molecule level. Biochem. Cell Biol. 81: 151-159, 2003. PDF file

Zlatanova, J. and Leuba, S. H. Chromatin fibers, one-at-a-time. J. Mol. Biol. 331: 1-19, 2003. PDF file

Leuba, S. H., Karymov, M. A., Tomschik, M., Ramjit, R., Smith, P. and Zlatanova, J. Assembly of single chromatin fibers depends on the tension in the DNA molecule: magnetic tweezers study. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 100: 495-500, 2003. PDF file

An, W., Palhan, V. B., Karymov, M. A., Leuba, S. H. and Roeder, R. G. Selective requirements for histone H3 and H4 N termini in p300-dependent transcriptional activation from chromatin. Mol. Cell 9: 811-821, 2002. PDF file

Zlatanova, J. and Leuba, S. Stretching and imaging single DNA molecules and chromatin. Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility. 23: 377-395, 2002. PDF file

Bennink, M. L., Leuba, S. H., Leno, G. H., Zlatanova, J., de Grooth, B. G. and Greve J. Unfolding individual nucleosomes by stretching single chromatin fibers with optical tweezers. Nat. Struct. Biol. 8: 606-610, 2001. PDF file

Leuba, S. H., Zlatanova, J. Biology at the single-molecule level Pergamon: Amsterdam. 2001. (Book reviewed by Ishii, Y. and Yanagida, T. Toward single molecule biochemistry. Cell 109: 686-688, 2002). PDF file

Zlatanova, J., Lindsay, S. M., and Leuba, S. H. Single molecule force spectroscopy in biology using the atomic force microscope. Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 74: 37-61, 2001. PDF file

Leuba, S. H., Zlatanova, J. Single-molecule biochemistry coming of age. Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 74 V, 2001.

Bennink, M. L., Leuba, S. H., Leno, G. H., Zlatanova, J., de Grooth, B. G. and Greve, J. Unfolding individual nucleosomes by stretching single chromatin fibers with optical tweezers. Nature Struct. Biol. 8: 606-610, 2001.

Bennink, M. L, Pope, L. H., Leuba, S. H.,de Grooth, B. G. and Greve, J. Single chromatin fibre assembly using optical tweezers. Single Molecules 2: 91-97, 2001. PDF file

Karymov, M. A., Tomschik, M., Leuba, S. H., Caiafa, P. and Zlatanova, J. DNA Methylation-dependent chromatin fiber compaction in vivo and in vitro: Requirement for linker histone. FASEB J. 15: 2631-2641, 2001. PDF file

Tomschik, M., Karymov, M. A., Zlatanova, J., and Leuba, S. H. The archaeal histone-fold protein HMf organizes DNA into bona fide chromatin fibers. Structure. 9: 1201-1211, 2001. PDF file

Leuba, S. H., Zlatanova, J., Karymov, M. A., Bash R., Liu, Y.Z. Lohr, D.E. Harrington R.E., and Lindsay, S.M. The mechanical properties of single chromatin fibers under tension. Single Molecules 1: 185-192, 2000.

Leuba, S. H., Karymov, M. A., Liu, Y. Z., Lindsay, S. M. and Zlatanova, J. Mechanically stretching single chromatin fibers In Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology Boulikas, T., Ed. 4: 297-301, 1999.

Leuba, S. H. and Bustamante, C. Analysis of Chromatin by Scanning Force Microscopy. In Methods in Molecular Biology Becker, P., Ed 119: 143-160, 1999. PDF file

Liu, Y. Z., Leuba, S. H., and Lindsay, S. M. Relationship between stiffness and force in single molecule pulling experiments. Langmuir 15: 8547-8548, 1999.

An, W., Zlatanova, J., Leuba, S. H. and van Holde, K. The site of binding of linker histone to the nucleosome does not depend upon the amino termini of core histones. Biochemie 81: 727-732, 1999. PDF file

Zlatanova, J., Leuba, S. H. and van Holde, K. Chromatin structure revisited.Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression 9: 245-255, 1999. PDF file

Zlatanova, J., Yaneva, J. and Leuba, S. H. Proteins that specifically recognize cisplatin-damaged DNA: a clue to anticancer activity of cisplatin. FASEB J. 12(10): 791-799, 1998.

Van Holde, K., Leuba, S. H. and Zlatanova, J. Physical Approaches to the Study of Chromatin. In: Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology: From the Bench to the Cell Nucleus and to Clinical Applications, Boulikas, T., Ed.,1: 475-482, 1998.

Leuba, S. H., Bustamante, C., van Holde, K., and Zlatanova, J. Linker Histone tails and N-tails of histone H3 are redundant: scanning force microscopy studies of reconstituted fibers. Biophys. J. 74(6): 2830-2839, 1998b. PDF file

Leuba, S. H., Bustamante, C., Zlatanova, J., and van Holde, K. Contributions of linker histones and histone H3 to chromatin structure: scanning force microscopy studies on trypsinized fibers. Biophys. J. 74(6): 2823-2829, 1998a. PDF file

Zlatanova, J., Leuba, S. H., and van Holde, K. Chromatin fiber structure: morphology, molecular determinants, structural transitions. Biophys. J. 74(5): 2554-2566, 1998. PDF file

An, W., Leuba, S. H., van Holde, K., and Zlatanova, J. Linker histone protects DNA on only one side of the core particle and in a sequence-dependent manner. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95(7): 3396-3401, 1998. PDF file

Leuba, S. H. and Zlatanova, J. Methods of Reconstitution of Linker Histone onto Oligonucleosomes. Methods in Molecular and Cellular Biology 6: 116-124, 1997.

Leuba, S. H. A One-Step Preparative Method to Reconstitute Linker Histones onto Linker Histone-Stripped Chromatin Fibers. Methods in Molecular and Cellular Biology 6: 125-133, 1997.

Yaneva, J., Leuba, S. H., van Holde, K. and Zlatanova, J. . The major chromatin protein histone H1 preferentially binds to cis-platinum damaged DNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94(25): 13448-13451, 1997. PDF file

Bustamante, C., Zuccheri, G., Leuba, S. H., Yang, G. and Samori, B. Visualization and analysis of chromatin by scanning force microscopy. METHODS: A Companion to Methods in Enzymology 12(1): 73-83, 1997.

Yang, G. Leuba, S. H. and Bustamante, C.Scanning Force Microscopy of Chromatin Fibers: A New Approach to an Old Problem. Biological Structure and Dynamics 1: 155-172, 1995.

Leuba, S. H., Yang, G., Robert, C., van Holde, K., Zlatanova, J. and C. Bustamante.Extended Chromatin Fibers: Evidence from Scanning Force Microscopy Studies. SPIE Proc. 2384: 33-44, 1995.

Zlatanova, J., Leuba, S. H., C. Bustamante, and van Holde, K. Role of the Structural Domains of the Linker Histones and Histone H3 in the Chromatin Fiber Structure at Low-ionic Strength: SFM Studies on Partially Trypsinized Chromatin. SPIE Proc. 2384: 22-32, 1995.

Yang, G., Leuba, S. H., Bustamante, C., van Holde, K., and Zlatanova, J. Scanning Force Microscopy Study of Native and Linker Histone Depleted Chromatin Fibers. SPIE Proc. 2384: 13-21, 1995.

Yang, G., Leuba, S. H., Bustamante, C., Zlatanova, J. and van Holde, K. Role of linker histones in extended chromatin fibre structure. Nat Struct Biol. 1(11): 761-763, 1994. PDF file

Leuba, S. H., Yang, G., Robert, C., Samori, B., van Holde, K., Zlatanova, J. and C. Bustamante. Three-dimensional structure of extended chromatin fibers as revealed by tapping-mode scanning force microscopy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91(24): 11621-11625, 1994.

Zlatanova, J., Leuba, S. H., Yang, G., Bustamante, C. and K. van Holde. Linker DNA accessibility in chromatin fibers of different conformations: A reevaluation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91(12): 5277-5280, 1994.

Varga-Weisz, P., Zlatanova, J., Schroth, G. P., Leuba, S. H., and K. van Holde. Binding of histones H1 and H5 and their globular domains to four-way junction DNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91(9): 3525-3529, 1994. PDF file

Leuba, S. H., Zlatanova, J. and K. van Holde. On the location of linker DNA in the chromatin fiber. Studies with immobilized micrococcal nuclease. J. Mol. Biol. 235(3): 871-880, 1994. PDF file

Krylov, D., Leuba, S., van Holde, K. and J. Zlatanova. Histones H1 and H5 interact+ preferentially with cross-overs of double-helical DNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90(11): 5052-5056, 1993.

Leuba, S. H., Zlatanova, J. and K. van Holde. On the Location of histones H1 and H5 in the chromatin fiber. Studies with immobilized trypsin and chymotrypsin. J. Mol. Biol. 229: 917-929, 1993. PDF file

Garcia-Ramirez, M., Leuba, S. H. and Ausio, J. One-step fractionation method for isolating H1 histones from chromatin under nondenaturing conditions. Protein Expr Purif. 1(1): 40-44, 1990.

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